35 results found
Allow ControlUP Powershell cmdlets to be used remotely
Currently you can only run ControlUP Powershell cmdlets on the monitors to request / export data with f.e. Invoke-CUQuery. It would be great if this is also possible remotely via Invoke-Command or PsSession
3 votes -
Ability to schedule emailed reports from web console
It would be great to be able to schedule a weekly email of reports such as patching status, installed applications and more of the built in reports even to keep an eye on these remote devices without having to log into the portal and pull a report manually every time.
3 votes -
Audit logs for Remote Control sessions
There are currently no easily accessible audit logs to for remote control sessions. This is problematic if auditing is required for legal or compliance reasons or if a user just wants to know who tried to remote into their session.
4 votes -
notepad++ patching
Right now there is no remediation for Notepad++ software. It would be great if Notepad++ could be pathed by Secure DX.
2 votes -
Allow custom color/text of real-time console title bar
For enterprises hosting multiple groups of monitors for aggregation across multiple geographic regions, some clients host the real-time DX console on Citrix CVA/XenApp servers as a published application in order to use a specific console to connect/work with machines in specific regions (assuming the app is presented in that region).
Some apps such as event viewer cannot handle loading masses of events over a WAN so being able to run the console locally in that region is crucial. Unfortunately, whilst this works - when you have 4-8 regions and subsequently 4-8 different real-time consoles on screen at the same time…
2 votes -
Saving report presets to be reused later
Back when we had Insights, we could save report that we had made, with the settings we had selected. Like what servers we wanted to look at, what applications we wanted data of etc.
For instance a Machine Trends report, where x machines are predefined in it. So you can see that data you want faster, without having to customize the reports again. In larger organizations this will help speeding up the data of the reports that are most valuable to you, and not just the bare bone ones in DEX.
3 votes -
export disconnected session data
It would be really handy to be able to draw historical data of session disconnects for Citrix environments. So if there was a massive jump in disconnected sessions very suddenly, we can see the graph in Session Count report, but it would be good to know which sessions were affected so we can understand were all affected users on a particular Delivery Group or geographical site etc etc. It would also narrow down the Root Cause. If the system knows the sessions went disconnected, it would be handy to know which they were.
1 vote -
VPro capabilities for EdgeDX
We previously used Bomgar as our primary method of remote support and it had the capability to leverage the vPro technology in vPro enabled laptops and desktops in order to provide remote access even when the laptop was need bios level support. It would be nice to be able to have that capability within ControlUp.
2 votes -
Moniter Teams errors on VDI
We have a request from customer, where they would like to identify the Teams issues that are happening on VDI machines using their control up servers(on-prem). Ideally, this could have been done using the event viewer based alerts on Control Up.
Now challenge is, Teams 2.0 aka new teams does not print the logs in event viewer, they are written into a log file inside the microsoft packes teams folder. Now we dont have a way to read those logs and create alerts based on the events from the logs.
Can we some script or a feature which can read…
1 vote -
Export on SecureDX
We would like the ability to export tables to csv or excel format in SecureDX. Image shows example. Also, we would like the ability to mark accepted risks under the "Action" dropdown menu.
1 vote -
Add the option to see "System Sessions" in DEX like you do in the RealTime Console.
Add the option to see "System Sessions" in DEX like you do in the RealTime Console. If the web version is the future for troubleshooting issues, I need to be able to see "System Sessions"
2 votes -
Ability to format/customize Daily Digest email
It would be great if we have the ability to customize and format the Daily Digest email from Scoutbees.
Currently the scouts are not arranged in preferred order and certain more important ones fell to the bottom of the email and be easily missed
The details are documented in Ticket ID: 41382 that was raised with ControlUP support
1 vote -
Cisco WebEx integration for U&C Monitoring
Currently Microsoft Teams and Zoom is supported. But it still lacks Cisco WebEx which is used by a lot of large organizations.
1 vote -
Filter idle processes
When reporting on Application Trends for VDI & DaaS, applications with several idle/zombie processes throw off the trends for CPU which shows the overall CPU flatlined at 0%. If there is a way to filter all of the 0% idle or zombie processes that bring the overall average down, this would help with finding usage patterns over time.
1 vote -
Dashboard for monitoring the cluster hosts’ CPU metrics. Currently, it displays data for a maximum of 2 minutes, and we would like to extend this time frame to allow for more comprehensive analysis.
2 votesYour feedback is so important to us and we really appreciate your taking the time to send us a submission. We are are now reviewing the feature idea you submitted and are considering adding it to our product roadmap. We will continue to update you on the status of your submission.
Request to increase displayed results
In sections such as Devices\Reports and Scoutbees, only 10 results are displayed, even though the total number of results is a multiple of this amount. Users within Dex do not expect multiple pages, as only a fraction of the total results is shown, leading them to believe there are no more than 10 results. This expectation is logical, as other interfaces (outside of ControlUp) always display results to fill the screen, and only introduce pagination when there are more results than can be shown on a single page.
Therefore, we kindly request that the number of results displayed be increased…1 vote -
Overview of "Exclude from ControlUp Monitor" Setting
Whenever you're working on a system that is being monitored by ControlUp, you don't want to generate any alarms (planned maintenance). To do that you can set the "Exclude from ControlUp Monitor" Setting to "Yes" in the objects or folders properties.
There is always a risk of human error, where one forgets to set the setting back to "No" or "Inherit", leaving the system unmonitored even after the planned maintenance is over.
A view, icon or even report that shows what the setting is currently set to, could help immensely in avoiding such situations.
One could periodically check that all…
3 votes -
Allow user to set entire install path during agent install.
Requesting that the agent installer be changed to allow the user to set the entire install path during the install. Allowing the path to specified during remote install from the console would be helpful as well. Many environments deploy Windows local firewall rules using path based exceptions. Changing the path every time an upgrade is done forces them to create new firewall exceptions.
2 votes -
Rewrite all ControlUP scripts for Citrix DaaS
We have recently implemented ControlUP and noticed that the existing Citrix scripts appear to be designed specifically for on-premises DDC and not for Citrix DaaS.
Please rewrite all ControlUP scripts for Citrix DaaS and please integrate the API key from the console into scripts.
16 votes -
Customize the date format for Automated Reports
The date format for reports is currently D/M/YEAR. This is confusing to some people who are expecting M/D/YEAR. Can we have the option to customize the date format?
2 votes
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